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Our Schools

Strategic Priorities

Grafflin students during a writing celebration

Our Strategic Priorities

1. Improving Student Belonging

2. Rethinking Traditional Curriculum

3. The Middle School Experience

4. Talent Management & Professional Capacity

5. Modernized Systems, Revenue Generation & Logistics

These priorities are the culmination of a collaborative strategic planning process to ensure that we are reflecting the values and aspirations of our entire community while providing outstanding learning opportunities for our students.  The end result is an ambitious 5-year Strategic Plan that explores, but not necessarily implements, target areas for growth and improvement while providing a unified framework for moving the District forward. 

For more information, please access the slides and video from Jonathan Costa’s presentation to the Board of Education on June 7, 2023.

The Strategic Planning Process

In November 2022, work began on the second iteration of the District’s Strategic Plan, which will guide and influence our work over the next five years. Jonathan Costa, Assistant Executive Director of EdAdvance, met with the District’s Strategic Plan Steering Committee – a representative group of parents, teachers, staff, administrators, and Board of Education members – and set out to provide a more defined and deeper understanding of what our elementary, middle school, high school, and District-level programs should focus on.

The entire school community was invited to contribute their thoughts and beliefs on what the District’s priorities should be through a ThoughtExchange. We received an impressive response with 1,329 individuals contributing 954 comments on the question, “What are the most important improvement priorities the District should focus on over the next five years?” Participants also assigned “stars” to show how important each idea was to them. With 47,440 ratings cast, the planning team was then able to draft a list of 15 areas of focus, which were then compartmentalized into the five Strategic Priorities.

Refined and Focused Strategies by Level

Student Literacies



Student Literacies

Students who graduate from CCSD will be...


Globally literate students impact the world through their understanding of communities, diverse cultures, and multiple perspectives in order to cultivate a sense of interconnectedness, shared humanity, and belonging for themselves and others in a rapidly changing society.


Linguistically literate students effectively use language(s) to express and receive ideas through listening, speaking, writing, and reading. They understand and apply the power, complexity, and function of language.


Digitally literate students can identify, create, collect, evaluate, analyze, present, and protect data that is credible, accurate, and researched in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.


Artistically literate students graduate with a knowledge of the arts and a foundation of understanding that allows them to fully experience and create drama, performance, art, music, poetry and other creative endeavors.


Quantitatively literate students use mathematical relationships to reason with numbers, apply numeracy principles, think logically, employ problem-solving strategies, and apply or transfer mathematical understanding beyond academic contexts into real-world situations.


Scientifically literate students have foundational knowledge of science, its applications, theories, histories, concepts and methodologies. Students can identify, investigate, and evaluate scientific issues and express positions that are scientifically and technologically informed and contribute to the growing body of scientific knowledge.


Meta literate students understand and engage in the disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication.


Students literate in wellness will have an understanding of the mind and body, including social, physical, mental, and emotional health. Students will understand the importance of empathy, mental wellness, balanced nutrition and regular physical activity, and develop the skills to make intelligent and informed wellness decisions.

Previous Strategic Planning (2017-2022)

In November 2017, the Board of Education endorsed a long-range planning process for the District that culminated in a 5-year Strategic Plan.

This Strategic Plan identified the community’s vision regarding the critical skills and attributes that all students would need to be successful for life after school. It also focused and aligned the District systems designed to support continuous growth in six strategic priority target areas.

Learn more in the 2017 Strategic Plan.