Policy 2000: Board of Education – Principles and Organization

Role of the Board

The Board of Education of the Chappaqua Central School District is legally responsible for the education of children residing in the District and the operation of the District's public schools and facilities. The Board shall establish policies and practices that ensure a high quality education for every student and proper governance of all aspects of District operations. The Board shall exercise oversight of and responsibility for the effective financial management, control and reporting. The Board shall seek to interpret community need and formulate short and long range plans to meet such need. The Board shall be responsible for presenting to the community a proposed annual operating budget, bond proposals and other matters that require public vote.

The Board shall evaluate the performance and progress of the District versus identified goals and objectives. The Board shall prepare an annual written performance evaluation of the Superintendent of Schools. It shall also evaluate its own performance and progress as a Board.

The Board shall observe all federal, state and local laws and regulations pertaining to education and public agencies.

Operating Principles

Members of the Board of Education should apply the highest ethical standards in the exercise of their fiduciary responsibilities as elected officials and should adhere to the following principles:

  1. Seek to have information presented accurately, fairly, and without bias
  2. Consider different community perspectives before reaching a decision
  3. Maintain confidentiality of privileged information
  4. Take official actions only in public sessions, except where otherwise provided or required by law
  5. Recognize that Board action is only exercised by a majority vote and that individual Board members have no authority to bind the Board or the District
  6. Delegate the duty of implementing Board policies and decisions, as appropriate, to the Superintendent of Schools as the chief executive officer of the District


President/Vice President:

The Board of Education at the annual reorganizational meeting shall elect a President and Vice President responsible for organizing the administrative tasks of the Board. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board. The Board shall adopt a schedule of regular Board meetings for the school year. The President shall call special meetings when necessary or when requested to do so by other members of the Board. The agenda for each regular and special meeting of the Board will be prepared by the Superintendent of Schools, in conjunction with the President.  Any Board member may request to have a matter placed on the agenda for a meeting by submitting the request to the President and Superintendent in writing, copying the other Board members.  The item should be submitted prior to the preparation of the agenda or at least five days prior to the meeting.  The President may add the item to the agenda.  The agenda will generally be distributed to Board members on the Friday prior to the Board meeting.  If an item is not placed on the agenda, it will be discussed with the Board at the next meeting.  By an affirmative vote of a quorum of the Board the item will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.  Each member of the Board shall have the right to offer resolutions, discuss questions and vote on such resolutions at all meetings. The President shall execute all documents on behalf of the Board, except as otherwise provided by law.

The Board President or his/her designee shall serve as a mentor to any newly elected member of the Board to aid in such new member's understanding of the Board's functions, policies and procedures.

In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President.

Board Committees:

The President, in consultation with the Board, shall appoint Board committees comprised of less than the full membership but solely of Board members for specific purposes. The Board shall establish and appoint District committees reporting to the Board, where membership may or may not contain Board members along with other individuals, at a regular or special meeting. Board and District committees may be standing or special depending upon the nature of the committee's responsibilities. All standing committee memberships will be determined on an annual basis. Special committees will be discharged upon the completion of their assignment or reappointed at the annual reorganization meeting, whichever comes first. The President of the Board shall be an ex-officio member of any Board or District committee. No committee shall take any action on behalf of the Board unless specifically authorized by the Board.

Rescinds policies

  • 8310.1 Board of Education Position Description;
  • 8310.2 Principles for School Board Members;
  • 9210 Duties of the President;
  • 9220 Duties of the Vice President;
  • 9150 Board Committees

Adopted by the Board: March 11, 2008

     January 9, 2019