Regulation 0125: Wellness Policy Regulations

Policy Implementation

A Wellness Advisory Committee shall be selected annually by the Superintendent to assist in the overall implementation and evaluation of district Wellness efforts. The Committee shall include the Business Administrator, administrators, teachers, students, parents, and a representative of the food service provider. At least one member serving on the committee shall be a registered dietician. The District will give written notice of the existence of the Wellness Advisory Committee. The Committee shall reach out to the school community to gather information and to share its findings.

Nutrition Education

  1. Nutrition education

    1. Instructional program. The K-12 nutrition education curriculum shall be sequential, developmentally appropriate, and in accordance with state and national standards. Nutrition education will occur throughout K-12 in dedicated classes and/or units and will also be woven into many other subjects (e.g., science or physical education) at each grade level. The curriculum should include but not be limited to instruction in:

      • Nutrition-related knowledge

        1. Benefits of a healthy diet
        2. Diet and wellness, disease
        3. Eating behaviors/attitudes and food choices
        4. Meal benefits, especially breakfast
        5. Food safety
      • Guidelines for a healthy diet

        1. Food guide pyramid
        2. Understanding calories
        3. Knowledge of key nutrients
        4. Serving sizes
      • Sources of information

        1. Food labels
        2. Nutrient content of foods
        3. Appropriate nutrition information sources
      • Nutrition-related skills

        1. Judging nutrition information, media messages
        2. Planning/creating healthy meals
        3. Decision-making - making healthy choices
        4. Self-assessment, self-acceptance, eating disorder prevention
        5. Setting goals for a healthy lifestyle and connecting to physical activity
        6. Awareness of and sensitivity regarding the food preferences and limitations (including allergies) of other people
    2. Teaching staff. All nutrition education teachers should have access to regular professional development provided by the district.
  2. Links to the school community

    1. Food services. Teachers responsible for the nutrition education curriculum are encouraged to view the food services and their personnel as important resources to enhance what is taught in the classroom. For example, the monthly menu and other documentation provided by the food service program may be used to help teachers connect their lessons to their student's lives.
    2. Additional activities. Schools are encouraged to hold additional activities that promote healthy eating, such as food tastings, contests, and international food events.
  3. Program evaluation

    The nutrition education curriculum shall be subject to regular review, as a part of a district-wide ongoing, systemic curriculum revision process. The curriculum shall be reviewed for:

    • Developmentally appropriate content that builds consistently from grade to grade
    • Opportunities for students to develop self-awareness and decision-making skills
    • Accurate reflection of current research and best practice regarding health, safety and nutrition

Physical Activity

  1. Physical Education

    1. Scheduling. As schools schedule physical education classes, they seek to balance the need for appropriate time in school for physical activity with the value of a broad physical education program that meets students' needs and interests.
    2. Instructional program. The K-12 physical education instructional curriculum shall be sequential, developmentally appropriate and in accordance with national and state standards. It should meet the needs of students of all athletic abilities and take into account gender and cultural differences in students' interests. The curriculum shall include but not be limited to instruction in:

      • Sport-related knowledge - Opportunities to develop an understanding of the rules and strategies of a variety of individual, cooperative and competitive games, as well as safe behavior and responsible participation in sports and recreational activities.
      • Skill-related fitness - Opportunities to develop competence in a variety of movement skills, and to develop appropriate skill. levels for playing a variety of sports and recreational activities
      • Health-related fitness - Opportunities to develop appropriate levels of cardio-respiratory endurance, muscular strength and flexibility.
      • Value of physical activity - Opportunities to develop an appreciation of the benefits of an active lifestyle including the appreciation of the interrelatedness of mind and body
      • Personal and social skills - In addition to knowledge and skills related to sports and recreational activities, the physical education curriculum should teach such personal and social skills as self-management, a sense of fair play, and respect for cooperation and teamwork.
    3. Assessment. Health-related fitness testing shall be integrated into the instructional program as appropriate (excluding grades K-2) to students' developmental levels and physical abilities. Such testing shall be used to teach students how to assess their fitness levels, set goals for improvement, and monitor progress. Test results shall not be used to determine course grades.
    4. Exemptions. Physical education teaches essential knowledge and skills; for this reason, exemptions from physical education courses shall not be permitted on the basis of participation on an athletic team. A student may be excused from participation in the activity portion of physical education only if: 1) a physician states in writing that specific physical activities will jeopardize the students' health and well-being or 2) a parent/guardian requests exemption from specific activities on religious grounds.
    5. Teaching staff. Physical education shall be taught by well-prepared specialists who are certified to teach physical education.
    6. Adequate facilities. Schools shall provide sufficient funds, as well as adequate and safe spaces, equipment, and supplies necessary to achieve the objectives of the physical education program.
  2. Extracurricular physical activity programs in middle and high school

    Schools shall provide students an opportunity to voluntarily participate in a variety of cooperative and competitive extracurricular activities whenever feasible.

    1. Value. Through extracurricular physical activities students shall be taught teamwork, responsibility, commitment, respect, learning how to win and lose, and the value of exercise and conditioning. These life lessons are valuable supplements to our students' education in Chappaqua.
    2. Participation. The interscholastic athletic program shall have as its goal to give opportunities to all students interested in participating, regardless of ability. Although some sports at the higher levels have teams that do limit the number of students who can participate, every season students should have the option of choosing a sport that has no limit on participants, so that any child who wishes to play a sport can do so.
    3. Equal opportunity. All aspects of program design and implementation shall demonstrate equal opportunity on the basis of gender.
    4. Supervision. All intramural programs, physical activity clubs and athletic teams shall be supervised by qualified staff, which may or may not be certified teachers.
  3. Other opportunities for physical activity

    1. Recess. Recess provides an important opportunity for physical activity and recreational play within the school day. It plays an important role in the learning, social development, and physical health of children. Schools shall provide appropriate time, supervision, playgrounds, and equipment for recess. The deprivation of recess time should never be used as a punishment. Teachers and/or administration may use their discretion to have students remain inside or sit outside to calm down, to reflect on their behavior, and/or complete assigned tasks.
    2. Recreational activities. Schools should make reasonable efforts to make gymnasiums, fields and equipment available to students for use during free time.
  4. Safety guidelines

    Play areas, facilities, and equipment used for physical activity on school grounds shall meet accepted safety standards for design, installation, and maintenance. Such spaces and equipment shall be regularly inspected. Minimizing injuries and illnesses related to physical activity is the joint responsibility of everyone: district and school leaders, school staff, students and their families.

Food Service

  1. Menu development and oversight

    The Wellness Advisory Committee shall work with the food service provider to promote the development of healthy menus and to seek ways to encourage children to make healthy food choices. The Committee shall:

    1. Review food items offered in the school cafeterias for the purposes of: reducing the amount of fat, salt, sugar and high fructose corn syrup; eliminating artificial ingredients; and increasing nutrient density.
    2. Preview, assess, and recommend the introduction of new food service items.
    3. Promote educational activities for students and parents, in collaboration with the food service provider.
    4. Explore extending food service hours at the middle schools and high school.
    5. Periodically review food service nutritional guidelines as established by these regulations to ensure that food service offerings in the cafeteria and vending machines are increasingly nutritious and attractive to students.
  2. Food guidelines

    1. Beverages and Snacks

      1. All beverages and individually packaged snacks shall conform to the district nutritional beverage and snack guidelines (see Appendix A).
    2. Menu items

      1. All school menus shall meet or exceed USDA guidelines and conform to all applicable New York State regulations.
      2. All school menu items shall conform to the district nutritional menu item guidelines (see Appendix B).
  3. Eating facilities

    All school food service equipment and facilities must meet applicable local and state standards concerning safe food preparation, sanitation, and workplace safety. Schools should do everything possible to make mealtime a pleasant, orderly experience for students.

  4. Vending machines

    All vending machines operated by the food service provider shall follow district snack and beverage nutritional guidelines (see Appendix A), both during and after the school day.

  5. Time and scheduling for meals

    Time allotments and scheduling for meals shall be reviewed and approved annually by the Superintendent or his designee.

  6. Community involvement

    As menu changes are considered and implemented, the District will seek feedback from students through food sales and focus groups, and from parents through the PTA.

Non-Food Service Food-related Activities

  1. Vending machines

    All vending machines available to students shall be stocked exclusively with items that conform to the district nutritional guidelines for snacks and beverages (Appendix A).

  2. Educational reinforcement

    Food shall not be used to reinforce individual student behaviors or achievement, unless deemed necessary by the instructional professionals in collaboration with the child's parents.

  3. Fundraising activities

    Building administration must approve in advance any fundraising involving food by student organizations, parent groups and/or community organizations.

    1. During the school day. Food sold for immediate consumption in order to raise funds shall not be sold while school food service meals are being served.
    2. After the school day. When food is sold at school events, such as refreshments at theater productions or athletic events, a nutritious alternative must always be available in addition to other offerings, to encourage healthy choices (e.g., apples as an alternative to cookies, or granola bars as an alternative to candy).
  4. Classroom events

    Schools should consider the following when planning classroom events.

    1. Birthday celebrations

      Classroom teachers will offer guidelines to parents and children wishing to celebrate a child's birthday during the school day. Parents shall be encouraged to make sure any food item brought in is of appropriate portion size. Parents shall be made aware of any students in the classroom with food allergies.

    2. Snacks

      Classroom teachers who have students bring in snack on a regular basis to be consumed in the classroom shall set expectations with students and parents regarding the nutritional value of the snack items.

    3. Other food-related activities

      When planning classroom, grade level, or school events involving food, teachers and other school personnel shall work with parents to utilize foods with greater nutritional value (as defined in these Wellness Policy Regulations (Appendixes A and B) and minimize use of less-nutritional food items. Consideration must be given to food allergies, food sensitivities, and/or cultural values to ensure no one is excluded in these activities.

Administrative Regulation:

Approved by Superintendent of Schools October 31, 2008

Appendix A

Nutritional Guidelines for Beverages and Snacks Sold in the Cafeterias

Approved by Chappaqua School Board - August 2, 2005

All beverages and packaged snacks sold in the Chappaqua Central Schools cafeterias must adhere to the following standards:


  1. Milk

    1. Limited to: fat free (skim), low fat and 2%.
    2. Flavored milk is permissible, as long as it has no more than 25 grams of sugar per 8-ounce serving.
    3. Non-dairy milk is made available as needed for those students with identified dietary restrictions.
  2. Water

    1. Plain water can be served in any size.
    2. Seltzer can be any size, plain or flavored, but must be flavored without sweeteners.
    3. Fitness waters and vitamin waters may be sold, in any size serving, but must be flavored without sweeteners.
  3. Fruit Juice

    1. Should be 100% juice, with no added sweeteners.
    2. Fortified juice is preferred.
    3. Serving size should be limited to 12 ounces.
  4. Fruit Drinks and Punches

    1. May be sold if they contain at least 50% juice and a maximum of 15 grams of sugar in an 8-ounce serving.
    2. When a 12 ounce serving becomes available on the market, that size should be the maximum serving size allowed.
    3. May not contain high fructose corn syrup.
  5. Sports Drinks (electrolyte replacers)

    1. May not be sold in the cafeteria.
    2. May be sold in machines near the athletic fields, after school only.
  6. Soda

    1. By law, no soda is sold in school cafeterias.
  7. Caffeinated drinks

    1. May not be sold, excluding low-fat or fat-free chocolate milk.
    2. Hot chocolate may be sold at the middle and high schools.
    3. Tea must be herbal or decaffeinated.
    4. Only decaffeinated coffee will be sold.

Packaged snacks

  1. Fat

    1. Total fat: Snacks must have no more than 30% of the total calories from fat, or a maximum of 7 grams per serving (with the exception of nuts and seeds).
    2. Saturated fat: Snacks must have no more than 10% of total calories from saturated fat, or a maximum of 2 grams per serving.
    3. Trans fat: No snack containing trans fat should be sold.
  2. Sugar

    1. Snacks may contain no more than 15 grams of sugar per serving, with the exception of yogurt.
    2. Snacks may not contain high fructose corn syrup.
  3. Salt

    1. No guidelines at this time, but lower-sodium snacks are to be encouraged.

Appendix B

Chappaqua Central Schools Food Service
Food Item Guidelines

  1. Lower-fat entrees - An entrée must include protein. To encourage healthy choices, both traditional entrées and corresponding lower-fat alternatives shall be served (e.g., grilled chicken as an alternative to chicken nuggets).
  2. Vegetarian entrees - A vegetarian meal shall be offered every day. Whenever possible, a hot vegetarian alternative to the hot entrée shall be offered (e.g., bean burritos along with meat burritos). When this is not possible, a vegetarian sandwich shall be served as an alternative to the meat entrée.
  3. Whole grains - Whenever bread, rice or pasta products are served, both white and whole-grain versions shall be offered.
  4. Fruits and vegetables - All menus shall include a choice of three fresh or frozen fruits and three fresh or frozen vegetables every day, including a salad bar in every school. We encourage the purchase of locally grown fruits and vegetables when available and competitively priced.
  5. Fats - School food offerings should not include trans fats.
  6. Frying - No food shall be deep fried, except for French fries at the high school, which may be offered twice a week. Oil used to fry shall be drained and discarded at the end of each day and replaced with fresh oil.
  7. Processed foods - In menu development, every effort shall be made to keep use of processed foods to a minimum.