Minutes August 15, 2018



Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Education Center

Present:  Board of Education
    Warren Messner, President
    Jane Kimmel Shepardson, Vice President
    Holly McCall
    Victoria Tipp

Absent:    Jeffrey Mester

Staff Members:
    Christine Ackerman, Superintendent of Schools
    Tony Sinanis, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources & Leadership Development
    Adam Pease, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum
    Liisa Elsner, District Clerk

President Warren Messner called for a motion to convene the public meeting at 8:07 am.

Motioned by Victoria Tipp to convene the public meeting at 8:07 am.  Seconded by Jane Kimmel Shepardson.  Motion carried 4-0.  Board member Jeffrey Mester was not present.

1.    Call to Order

2.    Pledge of Allegiance

3.    Recommended Action:  Personnel

Dr. Ackerman recommended Item 3.1:  Instructional and thanked Greg Stiefel for his years of service to the District.

3.1    Instructional

BE IT RESOLVED that, the Board of Education hereby creates a full time, 1.0 FTE Interim Assistant Principal position.  This action results in the creation of a 1.0 FTE Interim Assistant Principal position at Seven Bridges School effective August 20, 2018.

Mr. Gregory Stiefel, Assistant Principal, Seven Bridges Middle School, effective August 24, 2018.

Appointment: Probationary
Mr. Ronald Gamma, Assistant Principal, Horace Greeley High School, to a probationary appointment in the tenure area of Assistant Principal - Horace Greeley High School, effective August 27, 2018 through August 26, 2022, as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools, $165,000.

Ms. Allison Ascher, Teacher of Elementary Education, Douglas Grafflin Elementary School, to a probationary appointment in the tenure area of Elementary Education, effective August 30, 2018 through August 29, 2022, subject to receipt of composite or overall annual professional performance review ratings pursuant to Education law Section 3012-c and/or 3012-d of either effective or highly effective in at least three (3) of the four (4) proceeding years, and if the probationer receives an ineffective composite or overall rating in the final year of the probationary period he or she shall not be eligible for tenure at that time, Step 5, B(BA+30) with Masters, $83,662 (pending background check).

Mr. Ryan Spillane, Teacher of Physical Education, Douglas Grafflin Elementary School, to a probationary appointment in the tenure area of Physical Education, effective August 30, 2018 through August 29, 2022, subject to receipt of composite or overall annual professional performance review ratings pursuant to Education law Section 3012-c and/or 3012-d of either effective or highly effective in at least three (3) of the four (4) proceeding years, and if the probationer receives an ineffective composite or overall rating in the final year of the probationary period he or she shall not be eligible for tenure at that time, Step 3, B(BA+30) with Masters, $77,469 (pending background check).

Ms. Valerie Brunow, Teacher of English, Horace Greeley High School, to a probationary appointment in the tenure area of English, effective August 30, 2018 through August 29, 2022, subject to receipt of composite or overall annual professional performance review ratings pursuant to Education law Section 3012-c and/or 3012-d of either effective or highly effective in at least three (3) of the four (4) proceeding years, and if the probationer receives an ineffective composite or overall rating in the final year of the probationary period he or she shall not be eligible for tenure at that time, Step 7, B(BA+30) with Masters, $89,862 (pending background check).

Appointment: Part-time
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board hereby authorizes its President, along with the Superintendent of Schools, to sign a contract in lieu of probation with Lisa Kor to serve as Interim Assistant Principal at the Seven Bridges Middle School, as presented to the Board at this meeting. A copy of said agreement shall be incorporated by reference within the minutes of this meeting.

Motioned by Victoria Tipp to approve Item 3.1 as stated above.  Seconded by Holly McCall.  Motion carried 4-0.  Board Member Jeffrey Mester was not present.

4.    Recommended Action:  Other

4.1    BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby authorizes the Board President and Superintendent of Schools to execute the 2017-18 APPR Implementation Certification Form for its Annual Professional Performance Review for classroom teachers and building principals covered pursuant to Education Law Section 3012-d and Subpart 30-3 of the Rules of the Board of Regents.

Motioned by Victoria Tipp to approve Item 4.1 as stated above.  Seconded by Holly McCall.  Motion carried 4-0.  Board Member Jeffrey Mester was not present

4.      Notice of Future Meetings

Thursday, August 30, 2018 - 10:30 am
Horace Greeley High School – Academic Commons

5.    Adjournment

Motioned by Holly McCall to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 am.  Seconded by Jane Kimmel Shepardson.  Motion carried 4-0.  Board Member Jeffrey Mester was not present.

Respectfully submitted,

Liisa Elsner
District Clerk / Secretary to the Superintendent
