Parents' Bill of Rights
Pursuant to Section 2-c and 2-d of the Education Law, parents and students are entitled to certain protections regarding confidential student information. The District is committed to safeguarding personally identifiable information from unauthorized access or disclosure as set forth below:
- A student's personally identifiable information cannot be sold or released for any commercial purposes;
- Parents have the right to inspect and review the complete contents of their child's education record;
- The District is committed to implementing safeguards associated with industry standards and best practice under state and federal laws protecting the confidentiality of personally identifiable information, including but not limited to, encryption, firewalls, and password protection when data is stored or transferred;
- A complete list of all student data elements collected by the State is available for public review. You also may write to LHRIC, 450 Mamaroneck Avenue, Harrison, NY 10528;
- Parents have the right to have complaints about possible breaches of student data addressed. Complaints should be directed to Director of Technology/CIO, 914-238-7208, 66 Roaring Brook Road, Chappaqua, NY 10514.
- The District has entered into contracts with certain third party contractors who have been sent student data and/or teacher data and/or principal data. The following information about such contractors appears in the attachment to this document as required by law:
- The names of the third party contractors, the exclusive purpose(s) for which the data will be used;
- The commencement and termination dates of each such agreement;
- A description of how the data will be disposed by the contractor when the contract purpose has been fulfilled;
- The data storage and security measures undertaken.
- Agreements with third party contractors will ensure that the subcontractors, persons or entities that the third party contractor will share the student data or teacher or principal data with, if any, will abide by data protection and security requirements.
- A parent, student, eligible student, teacher or principal may challenge the accuracy of the student data or teacher or principal data that is collected by filing a written request with the Superintendent of Schools or his/her administrative designee Director of Technology/CIO, 66 Roaring Brook Road, Chappaqua, NY 10514.