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Special Education

The Chappaqua Central School District is committed to prepare all students for productive lives as full members of society. Therefore, we believe it is our obligation to provide equitable opportunities for students with disabilities to receive effective educational services, with the needed supplementary aids and support services, in age appropriate general education classrooms in their neighborhood schools. To that end, to the greatest extent possible, the District will support students with disabilities in chronologically age-appropriate general education classes in their home schools and provide the specialized instruction delineated by their IEPs within the context of the core curriculum and general class activities.  In order to accommodate the needs of all children with disabilities, the school district will have a continuum of programs and placements available, within and outside of the school district, extending from the general education classroom to residential settings. 

Special Education Programs and Services are available to students with disabilities through the end of the school year during which their 22nd birthday occurs, or until a regular high school diploma has been attained, whichever occurs first.

Special Education District Plan

Department Directory

1 2 3 10 > showing 1 - 12 of 116 constituents
Michael Abulencia

Michael Abulencia

Teacher/Instructional Staff
Robert E. Bell Middle School
Ellen Adnopoz

Ellen Adnopoz

Teaching Assistant
Horace Greeley High School
Janice Alfonso

Janice Alfonso

Teaching Assistant
Horace Greeley High School
Lauren Andrews

Lauren Andrews

Teacher/Instructional Staff, Pupil Personnel Department Chair
Douglas Grafflin Elementary School
Belinda Angelori

Belinda Angelori

Senior Office Assistant-Automated System
Education Center
Aneta Bilinski

Aneta Bilinski

Teaching Assistant
Seven Bridges Middle School
Amber Brogan

Amber Brogan

Teacher/Instructional Staff
Horace Greeley High School
Charles Buchanan

Charles Buchanan

Teaching Assistant
Horace Greeley High School
Nicole Burchard

Nicole Burchard

Teaching Assistant
Douglas Grafflin Elementary School
Mary Callaghan

Mary Callaghan

Teacher/Instructional Staff
Horace Greeley High School
Laura Cassidy

Laura Cassidy

Physical Therapist
Douglas Grafflin Elementary School, Westorchard Elementary School, Roaring Brook Elementary School
Mariammal Chelliah

Mariammal Chelliah

Teaching Assistant
Douglas Grafflin Elementary School
1 2 3 10 > showing 1 - 12 of 116 constituents