Voter Registration & Absentee Ballots
In order to vote in the Chappaqua Central School District's Budget Vote and Board Election on Tuesday, May 20, 2025, you must be a registered voter.
To be eligible to vote in the Chappaqua Central School District's Annual Budget Vote/Election
you must:
- be a citizen of the United States.
- be at least 18 years old by May 20, 2025 (the date of the vote).
- be a resident of the school district for at least 30 days prior to May 20, 2025.
- registered with either the school district's board of registration or with the county board of elections. If you have previously registered to vote, but have not voted in either a school district or general election in the last four years, you must re-register to vote. You can call the District Clerk to verify your registration status.