Elementary School Lunch Menus
Romaine Salad
Fruit & Vegetable Bar
Hormone Free Milk
Spinach Salad
Baby Carrots
Fruit & Vegetable Bar
Hormone Free Milk
...on Whole Wheat Bread
Cherry Tomato & Cucumbers
Fruit & Vegetable Bar
Hormone Free Milk
...with Marinara Sauce
Chicken Meatballs
Whole Grain Dinner Roll
Roasted Broccoli
Fruit & Vegetable Bar
Hormone Free Milk
...with Shredded Cheddar Cheese
Bean Salsa
Seasoned Corn
Fruit & Vegetable Bar
Hormone Free Milk
Printable Menus
Lunch Details
Students: $2.50 - Adults: $5.02 +tax
Snacks and bottled water are available for purchase.
All Lunches Include:
Entrée, Bread/Grain, Protein, choice of Vegetable, Fruit/Juice and choice of no HFCS 1% White or Fat-Free White or Chocolate Milk.
Daily Cold Options:
Sun Butter & Jelly Sandwich
Bagel w/Cheese Stick and yogurt
Fruit & Granola Yogurt Parfait
All daily fruits & vegetables are available to take with the above cold meals.
Turkey and Cheese Sandwich, Ham & Cheese Sandwich or Cheese Sandwich
Caesar Salad with Dinner Roll or Caesar Salad with cheese and Dinner Roll.
Food Allergies?
Please speak to your server, chef or manager.