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Our Schools

Professional Learning

Professional Learning Core Beliefs: 

  1. We must strive to balance professional voice and choice with alignment to broad district priorities.
  2. We must understand that learners are different and that growth is individual.  We must build personalized paths with scaffolding to support natural next steps for all professionals.  
  3. We believe that growth is continuous over a career and that educators must be strategic and purposeful as they plan their professional learning path. 
  4. We believe that all members of the organization, including adults and students, are teachers, learners, and leaders.  We learn best when we learn with and from each other. We have important strengths to share as well as areas of potential growth.
  5. We believe that students are at the center of all initiatives, decisions, and practices.  They deserve the results of our collective best thinking 
  6. We believe that external experts and mind-bending experiences can push our thinking.  
  7. We actively seek inspiration from external experts, reputable institutions, and far-reaching experiences which challenge our worldview, pushing us beyond what we know and are comfortable with.

Professional Learning Structures

The Chappaqua Schools Professional Development & Leadership Team works to support powerful and innovative teaching & leading through inspiring professional learning. We offer a range of structures, both formal and informal, to support professional growth for our faculty and staff. Explore highlights of some of our offerings below.

Speakers Series

John Hattie

Educational researcher and author John Hattie joined the District leadership team and teacher leaders to share his research on how teaching practices impact student learning outcomes.

Dr. Michael Morrison

Dr. Mike Morrison was the keynote speaker at our November 2023 Superintendent's Conference Day. Morrison helped our faculty develop action steps to support our Strategic Priorities.

Ken Nwadike Jr.

American documentary filmmaker, motivational speaker, and peace activist Ken Nwadike Jr. was the keynote speaker for our Fall 2023 Unity Day. Nwadike, founder of the Free Hugs Project, presented to students in grades 6-12.

Brooklyn Raney

Brooklyn Raney is the author of One Trusted Adult and was the keynote speaker at our October 20, 2023 Superintendent’s Conference Day. Raney spoke about the value of student belonging and connections.

Lauren Tarshis

Lauren Tarshis, author of the I Survived book series, joined our faculty and staff on Opening Day for the 2023-2024 school year. Tarshis spoke about lessons learned from her books and their connections to education.

Professional Learning News