Our Team
The team in the Office of Curriculum & Instruction is dedicated to ensuring that every Chappaqua student reaches their fullest potential. Our goal is to actualize the District's Strategic Priorities, while focusing on the Board of Education's Strategic Questions. All of our work puts students first as it is our mission to make sure that each and every Chappaqua teacher is well prepared and capable of meeting the needs of our students, and that our students have access to rich, relevant, student-centered learning experiences which prepare them to thrive in our fast paced world.

Mary Devane
Staff Developer, Director of K-12 Social Studies
Social Studies, Curriculum & Instruction
(914) 238-7201 ext. 2535

Colleen Kelly
Senior Office Assistant, Automated Systems
Curriculum & Instruction, Support Staff
(914) 238-7200 ext. 1003

Jillian McRae
Staff Developer - Community, Culture & Belonging & ELA (Secondary)
Curriculum & Instruction

Kathryn Naaman
Staff Developer - Community, Culture & Belonging & ELA (Elementary), Director of ELA and Content Literacy
English, Curriculum & Instruction
(914) 238-7200

Susan O'Reilly
Senior Office Assistant, Automated Systems
Curriculum & Instruction, Support Staff
(914) 238-7200 ext. 1005

Dr. Adam Pease
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, Administrator
Administration, Curriculum & Instruction
914-238-7200 ext. 1004

Dr. Adam Schoenbart
Associate Director of Technology & Communication, Administrator
Administration, Technology, Curriculum & Instruction, Communications
(914) 238-7200 ext. 1037

Dr. Andrew Taylor
Director of Technology & Innovation, Data Privacy Officer, Chief Information Officer, Administrator
Administration, Technology, Curriculum & Instruction
914-238-7200 ext. 1025