Middle School Academics
For questions about Middle School Curriculum & Instruction, please contact your school's building administrators.
English Language Arts
In middle school, the English curriculum challenges students to deepen their critical thinking and analytical skills. Students engage in whole class and small group discussions to analyze a diverse collection of texts and push their thinking.
Throughout the course of the middle school experience, students write for many purposes such as convincing an audience, responding to reading, and sharing learning from research.
Curricular Resources & Standards
The resources below are used to support teaching and learning. Click the title of a resource for a link to learn more.
Our middle school math experience fosters self-confidence, enthusiasm, problem-solving skills, and a strong foundation in conceptual understanding.
Students learn and practice math daily through research-based instructional practices, culminating in Algebra for all students in eighth grade.
Curricular Resources & Standards
The resources below are used to support teaching and learning. Click the title of a resource for a link to learn more.
Our middle school science curriculum focuses on Life Science, Physical Science, and Earth and Space Systems, and is integrated with Engineering and problem-solving skills throughout. Learning is rooted in a phenomena-driven and inquiry-based approach, encouraging students to engage directly in the scientific process through questioning, investigating, and evidence-based argumentation.
Our students have a unique opportunity to apply their learning by utilizing our STEAM Centers, where students build design projects that embrace the New York State Engineering Practices and our Chappaqua STEAM Design Process.
Curricular Resources & Standards
The resources below are used to support teaching and learning. Click the title of a resource for a link to learn more.
Social Studies
The lens of the four pillars continues into middle school. Grades 5 and 6 build global awareness with Grade 5 focusing on the Western Hemisphere and Grade 6 on the Eastern Hemisphere.
Similarly, Grades 7 and 8 provide a two year sequence in U.S. History, with a greater emphasis on historical thinking and literacy skills. The middle school curriculum is grounded in TCI’s Geography Alive! and History Alive! programs.
Curricular Resources & Standards
The resources below are used to support teaching and learning. Click the title of a resource for a link to learn more.
The Middle School STEAM experience crosses into all subject areas but is primarily supported in Technology, Art, and STEAM courses. At this level, all students have the opportunity to work in their school’s state-of-the-art STEAM center.
Students engage in individual and collaborative projects and spend time learning and using the design process. Particular attention is paid to pairing technology with math, science and design.
Curricular Resources & Standards
The resources below are used to support teaching and learning. Click the title of a resource for a link to learn more.