Elementary School Academics
For questions about Elementary School Curriculum & Instruction, please contact your school's building administrators.
English Language Arts
In our elementary schools, students have access to a research-based, systematic, structured approach to literacy that includes phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary building.
Additionally, students across K-4 write for many purposes across the year using three modes of writing:
- Information
- Opinion
- Narrative
Curricular Resources & Standards
The resources below are used to support teaching and learning. Click the title of a resource for a link to learn more.
Elementary students learn and practice math daily using the Math in Focus program, which emphasizes:
- Deep understanding of concepts and skills through learning experiences to develop mastery
- Use of a Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract development of concepts
- Using model drawings to connect visual representation to problem solving and algebra
Curricular Resources & Standards
The resources below are used to support teaching and learning. Click the title of a resource for a link to learn more.
In our elementary schools, we collaborate with PNWBOCES to implement the Science21 curriculum, aligned with the new NYS Science Learning Standards. This curriculum emphasizes hands-on learning experiences, enabling students to actively engage in Science and Engineering practices, to understand crosscutting concepts, and to grasp core ideas of Science.
Additionally, the BOCES Environmental Education Program enhances our curriculum with periodic visits, offering unique experiences in sustainability education. These programs help students understand how they can play an active role in protecting and enhancing their environment and develop sustainable practices.
Curricular Resources & Standards
The resources below are used to support teaching and learning. Click the title of a resource for a link to learn more.
Social Studies
K-4 Social Studies is anchored in the four pillars of:
- Geography
- History
- Economics
- Civics
Using the Social Studies Alive! program from TCI, each grade cycles through a unit on each pillar developing skills and content understanding in a spiral curriculum aligned with NY State Standards.
Curricular Resources & Standards
The resources below are used to support teaching and learning. Click the title of a resource for a link to learn more.
Elementary students visit their school’s Global Learning Center and Makerspace regularly. Students complete at least one grade-level STEAM project each semester.
In the Makerspace, and in their classrooms, they participate in STEAM activities and learning supported by their Library Teacher and Computer Lab Aide.
Curricular Resources & Standards
The resources below are used to support teaching and learning. Click the title of a resource for a link to learn more.