Curriculum & Instruction
We are committed to a powerful, aligned, and well-articulated curriculum for all subject areas, grades, and buildings, to ensure that all students benefit from the highest quality learning experiences available.
Vision & Goals for Teaching & Learning
Active Student Learning:
We want students engaged in experiences that involve meaningful inquiry, action, imagination, invention, interaction, hypothesizing and personal reflection.
Strong Student Collaboration:
We want students to work cooperatively toward a common goal, exchange ideas and rely on one another to create a product, or arrive at a solution that could not be achieved by an individual.
Curriculum & Instruction Department Goals
Support powerful and innovative teaching & leading through inspiring professional learning.
Develop each student through rigorous instruction and powerful, relevant and culturally responsive curriculum.
Board of Education Strategic Question: Teaching & Learning
"How can the District ensure that all students think deeply and creatively, support their thinking, apply problem-solving skills, work collaboratively, and actively participate in their learning as they acquire content knowledge?"
Adopted November 11, 2009
Revised December 15, 2021