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Our Schools

Curriculum & Instruction

Elementary School Classroom

We are committed to a powerful, aligned, and well-articulated curriculum for all subject areas, grades, and buildings, to ensure that all students benefit from the highest quality learning experiences available. 

Vision & Goals for Teaching & Learning

Active Student Learning:

We want students engaged in experiences that involve meaningful inquiry, action, imagination, invention, interaction, hypothesizing and personal reflection.  

Strong Student Collaboration:

We want students to work cooperatively toward a common goal, exchange ideas and rely on one another to create a product, or arrive at a solution that could not be achieved by an individual. 

Curriculum & Instruction Department Goals

  1. Support powerful and innovative teaching & leading through inspiring professional learning.

  2. Develop each student through rigorous instruction and powerful, relevant and culturally responsive curriculum.

Board of Education Strategic Question: Teaching & Learning

Strategic Question 2: Teaching & Learning

"How can the District ensure that all students think deeply and creatively, support their thinking, apply problem-solving skills, work collaboratively, and actively participate in their learning as they acquire content knowledge?"

Adopted November 11, 2009
Revised December 15, 2021

Dr. Adam Pease

Dr. Adam Pease

Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, Administrator