Regulation 4055: School-Sponsored Trips
School-sponsored field trips are the complete legal liability of the Board of Education, and caution should be exercised in all instances to protect the safety and welfare of students. Routine procedures of obtaining appropriate parental consent should be followed. In situations involving extended travel, information should be submitted to the Business Office prior to such trip listing the inclusive dates of the trip, itinerary, names of students and faculty members, and the means of transportation. Such information will be used to obtain appropriate liability insurance specific to such trip. If travel arrangements are made through a travel agency and involve a commercial carrier, travel insurance should be purchased by each student.
In those instances involving travel during days when school is not in session (Saturday, Sundays and school holidays - including summer vacation), and direct sponsorship for such trips does not come directly from school funds but, nevertheless, the trip sponsor is a member of the district faculty, the school district is not involved. Therefore, parents must be informed that the trip is not a school-sponsored activity and that the district shall assume no legal liability therefor. Further, the attached waiver (4055a) form should be completed for each student.
Administrative Regulation
Approved by Superintendent of Schools: April 17, 1975
Revised: November 1, 2001