9075 - Workplace Violence Prevention
All employees are expected to work together to create and maintain a safe and respectful work environment for everyone. Workplace violence is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
Workplace violence is defined as any physical assault or act of aggressive behavior occurring where employees perform any work-related duty in the course of their employment including but not limited to an attempt or threat, whether verbal or physical, to inflict physical injury upon an employee; any intentional display of force which would give an employee reason to fear or expect bodily harm; intentional and wrongful physical contact with a person without their consent that causes some injury; or stalking an employee with the intent of causing fear of material harm to the physical safety and health of such employee when such stalking has arisen through and in the course of employment.
All employees are responsible for notifying their supervisor or their Building Principal of any violent incidents, threatening behavior, including threats they have witnessed, received, or have been told that another person has witnessed or received. All acts of workplace violence will be promptly and thoroughly investigated, and appropriate action will be taken, including contacting law enforcement where necessary.
The District will develop and implement a Workplace Violence Prevention Program (“Program”) in compliance with §27-b Labor Law and its implementing regulations. As part of the process, the District will conduct an evaluation to identify likely potential risks of violence in the workplace. Employee representatives will be involved in evaluating the physical environment, developing the Program and reviewing workplace violence incident reports at least annually to identify trends in the types of incidents reported and the effectiveness of mitigating actions taken. The Program will include elements required by law and regulation, including:
- the risk factors present in the workplace;
- the methods the District will use to prevent incidents of violence in the workplace;
- the methods and means by which the District will address specific identified hazards;
- a system to report workplace violence incidents in writing;
- a written outline for employee training; and
- a plan for annual program review.
Employee Notice and Training
As required by law, at the time of initial assignment and annually thereafter, all employees will participate in a Workplace Violence Prevention Training Program and be informed of the requirements of Labor Law §27-b, the risk factors identified in the workplace, and the location of the district’s Workplace Violence Prevention Program.
The training will include:
- the details of the workplace violence prevention program;
- the measures they can take to protect themselves from risks of violence; and
- the specific procedures the district has implemented to protect employees (such as appropriate work practices, emergency procedures, and the use of security alarms).
This policy will be posted where notices to employees are normally posted online.
Reference: Labor Law §27-b; 12 NYCRR §800.6
Adopted: January 10, 2024