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7003 - District Buildings and Grounds

7003 - District Buildings and Grounds

The District's buildings and grounds exist for the purpose of educating students. The Board of Education recognizes that community members may use school properties both individually and as participants in organized group activities. In order to maintain the best possible physical condition of its properties and to ensure the public safety, the Board establishes these rules upon the use of District buildings and grounds.

Buildings and Grounds

Dogs and other household pets are not allowed on District property unless they remain inside a motor vehicle at all times, are required by law, or for purposes approved by the District.

Therapy Animals

Advance notice and authorization must be granted by the Superintendent to permit therapy animals within a school facility by school personnel or outside persons. Therapy animals (dogs) are not the same as “emotional support animals” or “service animals”. Animal Assisted Therapy is a goal-driven intervention, which is directed and/or delivered by a health, human, or education service professional and is meant to improve physical, social, emotional and/or cognitive function of an individual. 

A therapy animal, most notably a dog, must have been individually trained, evaluated and registered with his/her handler to provide animal assisted activities, animal assisted therapy and animal assisted interactions within a school or other facility. 

The employee/handler shall submit proof of licensure to the Superintendent of Schools. The employee/handler shall submit proof from a licensed veterinarian that the therapy animal is in good health and has been immunized against diseases. Such vaccinations shall be kept current and up-to-date at all times. The employee/handler shall assume full liability and responsibility for the therapy animal’s (dog’s) supervision, care, behavior, and suitability for interacting with students and others in the school while the therapy dog is on school district property.  The employee/handler shall consult with the school nurse to understand the impact of the therapy animal on students who have allergies and make adjustments accordingly.    The Superintendent may revoke the authorization at any time at their discretion.


The Director of School Facilities, Operations and Maintenance has the authority to close or limit use of district fields due to weather-related conditions, maintenance requirements, or as otherwise deemed necessary. No use of fields is allowed when closures are announced, when signs are posted, or when fields are fenced off or covered. Playing golf is prohibited at all times.


  • Policy 7035 Student Recreation Areas

Cross Reference:

Adopted by the Board of Education: February 9, 2010

Revised: October 14, 2020