6040 - Extra Classroom Activities
The Chappaqua Central School District recognizes that extra classroom activities play an important role in a rich and broad educational program. Extra classroom activities are defined in Education Law as student clubs, organizations, and activities in grades 7-12 which are formed for educational and school service purposes. Extra classroom activity funds are monies that are raised other than by taxation or through Board of Education budget allocation and are expended by student clubs, organizations, and activities.
The Board of Education shall have the responsibility for the accounting and safeguarding of the financial affairs of student clubs and extracurricular activities. This policy seeks to promote the organization and maintenance of extra classroom activities and to provide for the proper handling and safeguarding of extra classroom activity funds.
Extra classroom Activities
Student clubs, organizations, and activities may be formed each school year according to student interest. New clubs, organizations, and activity groups may be formed by application to the building principal or designee. The Board of Education shall approve annually a list of all extra classroom activities and their faculty advisors. Clubs, organizations, and activities must have a faculty advisor, must designate a student leader each year, and must meet at least once per school year. Those clubs which do not meet at least once during a school year shall be determined to be defunct. Monies in extra classroom activity funds of defunct clubs, organizations, and activities shall revert back to the school's student government organization for the following school year.
Extra classroom Activity Funds
An extra classroom activity fund shall be established for each student club, organization, and activity which raises monies through means other than taxation or Board of Education budget allocation. Clubs, organizations, and activities establishing extra classroom activity funds must designate a student treasurer who shall authorize all receipts and expenditures, and who shall work with the faculty advisor to implement appropriate revenue handling and bookkeeping procedures in accordance with District guidelines. Faculty advisors and student leaders shall review the New York State Education Department "The Safeguarding, Accounting, and Auditing of Extra classroom Activity Funds Finance Pamphlet 2". All monies received must be deposited into the district extra classroom activity fund account within 72 hours of receipt with appropriate documentation.
All monies in extra classroom activity funds shall be kept according to standards of good financial management and will be subject to independent annual audit in conjunction with the audit of the school district. All transactions shall be on a cash basis. Records of receipts and expenditures shall be maintained and reported at least quarterly to the Board of Education as part of the District Treasurer's report. The Board of Education shall appoint a Central Treasurer for the Extraclassroom Activities Fund annually. The School District Treasurer shall invest all monies pursuant to General Municipal Law.
All fundraising activities conducted by extra classroom activities must comply with New York State law and Board of Education policies. Each fundraising activity must be approved in advance by the building principal or his/her designee. No raffle tickets can be sold or purchased by students. Food items intended for immediate consumption may not be sold during school lunch hours. Fundraising activities may not disrupt or interfere with school operation or classroom instruction.
Adopted by the Board of Education: February 6, 2007
- November 13, 2007
- December 15, 2009
May 18, 2023