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5077 - Life Threatening Allergic Reactions

5077 - Life Threatening Allergic Reactions

The Board of Education recognizes that some students have life-threatening allergies to a variety of foods and other items (e.g., latex, medication, insect stings). It is imperative that parents/guardians notify school administration regarding their child's allergies and health issues. Upon notification and identification of a student with life-threatening allergies by a parent/guardian and with complete documentation from a licensed medical provider (e.g., physician, physician assistant or nurse-practitioner) (hereinafter "medical provider") the District will work with parents/guardians, students, school personnel, bus drivers employed by the transportation contractor(s) and medical professionals, on a case-by-case basis, in order to reduce the likelihood of serious, life-threatening allergic reactions in school.

The School District cannot guarantee the elimination of allergens from the school environment. The Board, however, recognizes the importance of supporting students with life-threatening allergies to the extent practicable in order to reduce the likelihood of exposure to offending allergens and prevent life-threatening reactions, including anaphylaxis (a severe, life-threatening allergic reaction that involves the entire body and is characterized by breathing difficulties, a drop in blood pressure, or shock). The Board encourages parents/ guardians, students, school personnel, bus drivers employed by the transportation contractor(s) and health care providers to work cooperatively so that children with life-threatening allergies can participate fully and safely in school, including when being transported on school buses. No student with a severe allergy shall be denied participation in any school activity based solely on the student's severe allergy. It is the parent's/guardian's responsibility to ensure that the school nurse is in receipt of the medical provider's order, parent/guardian permission, and the medication in the original container in order to allow the student to have access to the medication.

The District will work toward assisting students in the self-management of their chronic health condition based upon the student's knowledge level and skill.

The Superintendent of Schools shall develop regulations to implement this policy in collaboration with the School Physician and School Nurses.


Adopted by Board of Education: November 15, 2017
