5055 - Policy on HIV/AIDS - Students
It is the policy of the Chappaqua Board of Education that no student shall be denied access to any program or activity sponsored by or conducted on the grounds of the Chappaqua Central School District solely because he or she has been diagnosed as having AIDS or being HIV infected.
The Chappaqua Board of Education recognizes the privacy rights of students diagnosed with HIV or AIDS and their right to a free appropriate public education, the rights of such students to be protected from adverse or discriminatory treatment, and the rights of all non-infected students to a safe environment free of any significant risks to their health.
The Superintendent of Schools is hereby directed to develop administrative regulations in regard to avoiding discrimination against students diagnosed as having AIDS or being HIV-infected.
The Superintendent also shall implement, and all school personnel shall comply with, guidelines and universal precautions for dealing with all spills of blood and other body fluids in or on school premises and grounds.
In addition, the Superintendent shall develop and implement inservice education for all school personnel concerning AIDS and HIV infection and the universal precautions to be followed in the case of all spills of blood and other body fluids.
Further, the Superintendent shall provide legal information and education to all employees regarding issues of formal and informal disclosure, inappropriate re-disclosure, and confidentiality of student and employee information related to HIV or AIDS.
Adopted by Board of Education: April 28, 1986
- September 13, 1988
- November 21, 1989
- May 18, 1998