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5053 - Grade Placement and Promotion Policy

5053 - Grade Placement and Promotion Policy

It is essential that each child experience both challenge and success from school activities and grade placement should enhance this possibility. The concept of grade placement is based on the premise that each teacher will provide appropriate experiences for children at particular stages of physical, emotional and academic growth.

Initial placement of a student at a grade level will be based primarily on the student's age. Promotion or retention of a student will be considered according to the following criteria:

    1. academic growth and achievement;
    2. maturity, social and emotional development of the child;
    3. physical development of student.
  1. All recommendations concerning grade promotion must be made to the Principal by the teacher after full notification of the consultation with the parents. Only in very rare instances does Chappaqua Central School District consider retention or grade level acceleration appropriate for students.
  2. No promotion or placement decisions shall be based solely or primarily on student performance on New York State English language arts assessments and mathematics assessments administered in grades three through eight.
  3. Final authority for grade placement rests with the Building Principal.


  • Education law §§305; 1709; 2503(4); 3202
  • 8 NYCRR §100.4

Adopted by Board of Education: 1-28-2015