5017 - Behavioral Interventions For Students With Disabilities
The Board of Education recognizes the importance of promoting positive behavioral interventions for students with educational disabilities and fostering a district-wide approach of preventing and/or reducing behavioral issues. In all cases where a student's behavior impedes his or her learning or that of others, the Committee on Special Education (CSE) shall consider, when appropriate, positive behavioral interventions, strategies and supports to address that behavior.
Functional Behavior Assessment
The CSE shall insure that a functional behavioral assessment (FBA) shall be conducted for each student whose behavior impedes his or her learning or that of others. The use of FBAs shall be viewed as an integral student's individualized education program (IEP), promoting access to the general curriculum and ensuring safe and well-disciplined schools. Following the review of an FBA by the CSE, the CSE must consider the development of a behavior intervention plan (BIP). The implementation of a student's BIP shall include regular progress monitoring of the frequency, duration and intensity of behavioral interventions at scheduled intervals, as specified by the BIP and IEP. BIPs may include the use of time-out procedures. The use of any time-out procedures shall be in conformance with the child's IEP. Time-out procedures shall not be used as punishment, but rather, as a way to safely diffuse or de-escalate a potentially dangerous situation and/or to facilitate a student's regaining of self-control.
Physical Restraint
Staff will not use physical restraint as a substitute for systematic intervention to modify inappropriate behavior. Staff who may be called upon to physically restrain a student will be trained on safe and effective ways to do so. Physical restraint may only be used in an emergency where no other approach in accordance with a student's BIP or IEP is effective in controlling the student's behavior. The District shall maintain documentation of the use of emergency physical restraint and shall notify the parent of the student when such emergency intervention has been used.
Unanticipated Situations
For students with educational disabilities, who have not previously been determined to be in need of a FBA or BIP, staff shall utilize time-out procedures in order to de-escalate a potentially dangerous situation. If the use of time out procedures does not successfully de-escalate the situation, staff members may utilize physical restraints in accordance with this policy. Following any such incident which required the use of time-out procedures and/or physical restraint, the student shall be referred to the CSE for a determination as to whether or not an FBA/BIP is necessary or appropriate.
The Superintendent of Schools shall implement regulations regarding the training for staff on the policies and procedures related to the use of time out rooms, physical restraint, and related behavior management practices.
Adopted by the Board of Education: May 6, 2008