5010 - Student Application To, and Selection Of, Colleges
Horace Greeley High School students shall be encouraged to apply for admission to the colleges and universities of their choice. The responsibility for applications and selection shall rest ultimately with students and their families.
The high school's administration and counseling department shall offer advice, assistance and encouragement in identifying colleges and universities to which applications would be appropriate. Such assistance shall include encouraging students to explore a broad range of college options. It shall also include helping students to plan their academic programs, to develop realistic goals, and to realize their academic and personal potential to the maximum extent possible.
In submitting transcripts and evaluations to colleges, the high school shall be as helpful as possible to students, yet professionally fair to the colleges. The counseling staff shall complete and submit the secondary school report as required by each college.
To assist the counseling department in its role as liaison between the high school and colleges, the district shall encourage college admissions officers to visit the high school and meet with students. It shall also make available ample funds to allow counselors to visit a variety of colleges and universities.
The counseling department shall report annually on its activities to the Board of Education. Such reports shall include a review of the college placement process as outlined in Administrative Regulation 5010.
Adopted by Board of Education: January 25, 1965
- June 15, 1990
- May 26, 2009
- August 10, 2010