4037 - Parental Rights to Annual Professional Performance Review Composite Scores & Quality Ratings Under Education Law Section 3012-c
In accordance with the provisions of Section 3012-c (10)(b) of the Education Law, the Board of Education shall facilitate the disclosure of the Annual Professional Performance Review final quality ratings and numerical composite effectiveness scores of the classroom teachers and building principals to the parents/legal guardians of students under their supervision for the current school year.
In the interest of protecting the privacy rights of the professional educators while facilitating parental access, the District shall require reasonable verification of identity prior to releasing information to parents/legal guardians. It is the Board of Education's expectation that the information provided to parents/legal guardians shall remain confidential and shall not be re-disclosed.
The Superintendent of Schools shall develop a parental notice and information access form that shall be exhibits to this policy and an integral part hereof. The parental notice shall be posted in conspicuous locations within the District and the notice and form shall be made available on the District website.
- Education Law Section 3012-c(10)
- State Education Department Guidance Document, Section "P"
Adopted: October 23, 2013