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3032 - Medicaid Compliance

3032 - Medicaid Compliance

It is the policy of the Chappaqua Central School District that all claims for reimbursement by the New York Medicaid Program for services, supplies or equipment provided through School Supportive Health Services Programs (SSHSPs) meet all requirements for federal financial participation established by federal statutes and regulations. Failure to comply with such federal requirements may result in the loss of federal Medicaid financial participation for these services.

All employees, contractors and agents of the school district involved in the provision of, or claiming federal Medicaid financial participation for, SSHSPs shall conform their conduct to the standards and requirements established by applicable federal and state statutes and regulations designed to prevent fraud, abuse and waste in federal and state health care programs.

Policy Distribution

The school district shall utilize the Statewide Confidential Disclosure Policy, sharing it with all employees, contractors or agents of the school district, to inform them of the procedures established by New York State which offer confidential disclosure mechanism to disclose anonymously any practice or billing procedures to the State's Compliance Officer. The district shall also insure that copies of the State's Policy Regarding its Commitment to Ensure Compliance with the Laws and Regulations Related to the Receipt of Federal Medicaid Financial Participation in the School and Preschool Supportive Health Services Program are received by all employees, contractors, and agents involved in the provision of or overseeing of Medicaid related services.

Service Provider Review

The school district will insure that direct or indirect service providers are not on the Excluded Provider list maintained by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Inspector General. The district will review the list upon initial hire or initiation of a contractual relationship and periodically, thereafter, but at least every three years.


The district will insure that all employees, agents and contractors who are directly or indirectly involved in the provision of supportive health services programs receive at least one hour of training annually educating them regarding the confidential disclosure policy, appropriate billing procedures and proper conduct in conformance with federal and state requirements.


The Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources shall oversee district compliance with this policy.

Adopted by the Board of Education: March 16, 2010