1020 - Fund-Raising Activities
1020 - Fund-Raising Activities
The Board of Education guarantees to the students of the district a learning environment that is free from pressure to make charitable donations. To this end, the Board of Education does not permit the direct solicitation of charitable funds or goods from students on school property during school hours.
Notwithstanding the above, the following fund-raising activities may be permitted upon the prior approval of the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee:
- Sale or exchange of goods, or tickets for social, musical, theatrical or athletic events where the proceeds go to charity or to support school activities or clubs.
- Passive forms of charitable solicitation such as a bin or collection box in a hallway or common area for donation of food, clothing, money, or other goods.
- In-school planning and recruitment for a fund-raising activity done through a school organization which will take place outside of regular school hours or off school premises. The school district may not serve as a conduit for the collection of funds or goods for such a fund-raising activity.
Adopted by the Board of Education: November 23, 2004