1010 - Access To Communications Services For Parents With Hearing Impairments
The Board recognizes the right of all parents and legal guardians to communicate with personnel and support groups involved with programs in which their children participate as students. To that end, parents with hearing impairments, at their request, shall be provided with qualified interpreters or an effective alternative in order to facilitate communications with administrators, teachers, pupil personnel service providers, the Committee on Special Education/Committee on Preschool Special Education, and/or others who are involved with the education of their children, as well as to allow for participation in school sponsored parent groups, if any.
The Superintendent of Schools shall develop and implement procedures necessary for the periodic notification of parents of their rights pursuant to this policy and to arrange for interpreters by creating a District list of qualified individuals. All school personnel shall be made aware of this policy and, whenever a student attends a program at the BOCES or through a School District placement, communication services to parents with hearing impairments shall be arranged for by the District, either by cross-contract with such other institution or directly.
Adopted by the Board of Education: December 2, 1997