May 3 - Minutes
Minutes May 3, 2023
Wednesday, May 3, 2023, 7:30PM
Horace Greeley High School - Auditorium
Present: Board of Education
Jane Kimmel Shepardson, President
Warren Messner, Vice President
Hilary Grasso
Cailee Hwang
Ryan Kelsey
Staff Members:
Christine Ackerman, Superintendent of Schools
Andrew Lennon, Assistant Superintendent for Business
Adam Pease, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction
Jamie Edelman, Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services
Andrew Corsilia, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
Josh Culwell-Block, Director of Innovation, Technology & Mathematics
Adam Schoenbart, Associate Director of Technology & Communications
David Hayes, Public Relations Assistant
Liisa Elsner, District Clerk
Robert Conrad, Director – Chappaqua Public Library
Jennifer Fahey, President – Chappaqua Public Library Board of Trustees
Brian Cook, Member – Chappaqua Public Library Board of Trustees
Motioned by Hilary Grasso to open the public meeting at 6:00 pm. Seconded by Ryan Kelsey. Motion carried 3-0. Board Vice President Warren Messner and Board member Cailee Hwang were absent.
Motioned by Hilary Grasso to appoint Dr. Christine Ackerman as District Clerk Pro Tempore. Seconded by Ryan Kelsey. Motion carried 3-0.
Motioned by Hilary Grasso to adjourn into Executive Session at 6:00 pm to discuss the employment history of particular persons, potential litigation, matters made confidential by federal and state privacy laws (FERPA and Ed Law 2-d) and to receive advice from counsel. Seconded by Ryan Kelsey. Motion carried 3-0.
Warren Messner and Cailee Hwang joined the meeting at 6:10 pm.
Motioned by Hilary Grasso to reconvene the public meeting at 7:45 pm. Seconded by Ryan Kelsey. Motion carried 5-0.
1. Information Business Affairs
1.1 President’s Report – President Shepardson gave her report noting the following:
- Reminding the community that the budget vote and election for both CCSD and the Chappaqua Public Library will be held in the HGHS gym on May 16th and urging the community to come out and vote.
- Reminding the community that the League of Women Voters is sponsoring a candidate forum on May 10th.
- Noting input received regarding teacher retention.
- School safety – noting the recent community forums held by the superintendent and urging the community to participate in the survey. The Board will be weighing many factors in considering what is best for the District in terms of safety and security measures.
1.1.1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the Westchester Putnam School Boards Association (WPSBA) Proposed 2023-24 Budget and Nominating Committee Slate, and authorizes the Board President to sign the WPSBA Annual Meeting Ballot.
Motioned by Warren Messner to approve Item 1.1.1 as stated above. Seconded by Cailee Hwang. Motion carried 5-0.
1.2 Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Ackerman held the 2023-24 budget hearing, giving another overview of the proposed budget and offering a public comment period for anyone who wished to make a comment.
1.2.1 2023-24 Budget Hearing
Presentation: Chappaqua Public Library Budget Presentation
Dr. Ackerman then gave her community update noting the following:
- The Safety & Security meetings that took place earlier, and the survey is available to the community.
- Kindergarten enrollment update.
- Hate Speech, Bias and Discrimination Incident Quarter 3 Update.
- Dr. Pease shared information about the pre-tenure teacher process, guiding principles and support structure used by the District.
- Dr. Pease went on to speak about the CSF grants on the agenda and, again, to thank the CSF for their continued support of various initiatives.
- A brief outline of the policies that are on the agenda and up for revision.
- Upcoming important dates and events.
2. Committee Reports
CSF – Warren Messner reported that the CSF fundraiser was, by all accounts, another successful event.
CARES – Ryan Kelsey reported that, at the recent meeting, the committee was able to break down and review data from the recent survey around the District’s ongoing DEI work.
Policy – Hilary Grasso noted that the committee had reviewed and revised the policies on the agenda.
Public Comment Period:
We welcome public comments, and in respect for each other's time, we ask that you limit your comments to three minutes. Board members may be contacted via email or phone. After the public comment period has been completed, Board members may have a discussion among themselves regarding comments presented.
Motioned by Warren Messner to adjourn the public meeting at 9:45 am. Seconded by Hilary Grasso. Motion carried 5-0.
Motioned by Jane Kimmel Shepardson to reconvene the public meeting at 9:51 pm. Seconded by Warren Messner. Motion carried 5-0.
3. Approvals & Ratifications
3.1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby accepts the Minutes of the April 25, 2023 Board of Education Meeting.
Motioned by Hilary Grasso to accept Item 3.1 as stated above. Seconded by Ryan Kelsey. Motion carried 5-0.
3.2 Policy #0125: Wellness Policy – 1st Reading.
3.3 Policy #6075: Inventory Capitalization Policy – 1st Reading.
3.4 Policy #6040: Extra Classroom Activities – 1st Reading.
3.5 Policy #3012: Conflicts of Interest – 1st Reading.
4. Recommended Action: Personnel
Dr. Ackerman recommended Item 4.1 as stated below,
4.1 Instructional
BE IT RESOLVED that, the Board of Education hereby authorizes the attached Agreements for Services for the individuals and agencies listed below effective for the 2023/2024 school year, or earlier at the discretion of the Board of Education:
Westchester Therapy Solutions – Occupational, Physical & Speech Therapy, PLLC
BE IT RESOLVED that, the Board of Education hereby appoints the individual listed as per diem substitute teacher to be employed on an “as needed” basis:
Michael Mammola
BE IT RESOLVED that, the Board of Education hereby appoints the individual listed as per diem substitute at the Building Specific substitute teacher rate:
Nicole Orlowski – Roaring Brook Elementary School (effective 5/8/23)
Francesca Porfidio – Roaring Brook Elementary School (effective 5/4/23)
Ralph Strobel – Robert E. Bell Middle School (effective 4/28/23)
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Superintendent is hereby authorized to direct a comprehensive medical examination and evaluation of Employee No. 3445, in accordance with the provisions of Section 913 of the Education Law; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board hereby directs that Employee No. 3445 submit their medical records, if any, to the extent and for the time as determined by the physician(s) to the examining physician(s) at or before such examinations/evaluations.
Appointment: Probationary
Mr. Andrew Zenker, Teacher of Mathematics, Horace Greeley School, to a probationary appointment in the tenure area of Mathematics, effective August 31, 2023 through August 30, 2027, subject to receipt of composite or overall annual professional performance review ratings pursuant to Education law Section 3012-c and/or 3012-d of either effective or highly effective in at least three (3) of the four (4) proceeding years, and if the probationer receives an ineffective composite or overall rating in the final year of the probationary period they shall not be eligible for tenure at that time, Step 9, B(BA+45) with Masters, $101,315.
Motioned by Warren Messner to approve Item 4.1 as stated above. Seconded by Jane Kimmel Shepardson. Motion carried 5-0.
Dr. Ackerman recommended Item 4.2 as stated below.
4.2 Non-instructional
Lori Mastroddi, Office Assistant – Automated Systems at Horace Greeley High School, effective end of business day April 21, 2023.
Brandon Ayala, Cleaner, District-wide, 24 hours per week, effective May 4, 2023. His salary will be $42,648 pro-rated (Cleaner, Step 1).
Tami Kassel, Teacher Aide at Horace Greeley High School, 35 hours/week, effective May 15, 2023. Her salary will be $17 per hour.
Motioned by Warren Messner to approve Item 4.2 as stated above. Seconded by Jane Kimmel Shepardson. Motion carried 5-0.
5. Recommended Action: Other
Use of the Consent Agenda permits the Board of Education to make more effective use of its time by adopting a single motion to cover those relatively routine matters, which are included. Any member of the Board who wishes to discuss individually a particular piece of business on the Consent Agenda may so indicate and that item will be considered and voted on separately, thus preserving the right of all Board members to be heard on any issue. It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the following Consent agenda as submitted by the Superintendent of Schools.
5.1 CSE summaries (2022-23 School Year) reported to the Board on May 3, 2023.
5.2 CSE summaries (2023-24 School Year) reported to the Board on May 3, 2023.
5.3 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby approves a Chappaqua School Foundation InstaGrant (IG22-23-09): Roaring Brook 1st Grade Multicultural Supplies, in the amount of $1,964.48, by Roaring Brook Elementary School Teacher Ericka Miranda.
5.4 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby approves a Chappaqua School Foundation InstaGrant (IG22-23-10): Empowering Sustainable Fashion: Providing Access to Sewing Machines for Eco-conscious Creators, in the amount of $1,999.00, by Horace Greeley High School Art Teachers Kathryn Ottomanelli & Amanda McDonough.
5.5 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby approves a Chappaqua School Foundation Traditional Grant: Horace Greeley World Economics Learning Lab Design, in the amount of $39,000.00.
5.6 BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the appointment of election personnel for the May 16, 2023 School Budget Vote & Election.
5.7 WHEREAS, Amplyus (DBA miniPCR bio) is and will continue to be, the sole source of the mini16bundle of 4, blueGel bundle of 8, and H-style set of 4 micropipettes with stands. These items are proprietary products that are only available through Amplyus (DBA miniPCR bio) located at 1770 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 167, Cambridge, MA 02140.
WHEREAS, Amplyus (DBA miniPCR bio) will have a directsales and purchasing relationship and no intentions to utilize agents, or authorize resellers to provide miniPCR bio products and services to Chappaqua School Central School District.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby declares Amplyus to be the sole source for all miniPCR bio branded products and services purchased in the ordinary course of product acquisition and therefore, determines that the purchase of the miniPCR bio products is not subject to competitive bidding under Section 103 of the General Municipal Law.
5.8 BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education does hereby sustain the April 4, 2023 DASA appeal filed on behalf of Student Number 230503; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District Clerk notify the parents of the Board of Education’s determination.
Motioned by Ryan Kelsey to approve Items 5.1 through 5.8 as stated above. Seconded by Hilary Grasso. Motion carried 5-0.
6. Facilities
7. Financials
8. Notice of Future Meetings
Tuesday, May 16, 2023, 7:00 am – 9:00 pm
Annual Election & Budget Vote
Horace Greeley High School - Gymnasium
Thursday, May 18, 2023, 7:30 pm
Tenured Teacher Recognition
Horace Greeley High School – Auditorium
9. Adjournment
Motioned by Hilary Grasso to adjourn the meeting at 9:59 pm. Seconded by Cailee Hwang. Motion carried 5-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Liisa Elsner
District Clerk / Secretary to the Superintendent