June 7 - Agenda
Agenda June 7, 2023
Revised: 6/6/23 at 4:54pm
6/7/23 at 2:21pm
6/7/23 at 3:22pm
6/7/23 at 6:49pm
Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Horace Greeley High School - Academic Commons
Presiding Officer: Jane Kimmel Shepardson
Pledge of Allegiance
5:30 pm Proposed Executive Session to discuss matters of the employment history of particular persons, potential litigation, and to receive advice from counsel subject to Board approval.
6:00 pm Retiree Recognition – Horace Greeley High School Courtyard
Reconvene public meeting at 7:00 pm at Horace Greeley High School – Auditorium
Seven Bridges Science Olympiad Presentation
1. Information Business Affairs
1.1 President’s Report
1.1.1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby adopts the 2023-24 Board of Education Meeting Schedule.
1.2 Superintendent’s Report
1.2.1 Safety & Security Update
Presentation: District Strategic Plan – Jonathan Costa
2. Committee Reports
Public Comment Period:
We welcome public comments, and in respect for each other's time, we ask that you limit your comments to three minutes. Board members may be contacted via email or phone. After the public comment period has been completed, Board members may have a discussion among themselves regarding comments presented.
3. Approvals & Ratifications
3.1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby accepts the minutes of the May 18, 2023 Board of Education meeting.
3.2 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby accepts the minutes of the May 30, 2023 Special Board of Education meeting.
3.3 Policy 0130: District Equity Policy – 1st Reading.
4. Recommended Action: Personnel
4.1 Instructional
BE IT RESOLVED that, the Board of Education hereby authorizes the attached Agreements for Services for the individuals and agencies listed below effective for the 2022/2023 school year, or earlier at the discretion of the Board of Education:
Talk of the Town
BE IT RESOLVED that, the Board of Education hereby authorizes the attached Agreements for Services for the individuals and agencies listed below effective for the 2023/2024 school year, or earlier at the discretion of the Board of Education:
Accucare Nursing and Home Care
BANY Partners
Kole’s Occupational Therapy Services P.C.
Sheri Lauro, Intervention Associates, LLC
Carolyn M. Machonis, OT, PLLC DBA Milestones for Munchkins
Randall Ross, MD
BE IT RESOLVED that, the Board of Education hereby appoints the individual(s) listed as per diem substitute teacher(s) to be employed on an “as needed” basis:
Everett Banks
Elizabeth Bosco
Ellie Handwerger
Miriam Steinberg
Nasheema Whyte
BE IT RESOLVED that, the Board President, on behalf of the Board of Education, and the Superintendent are authorized to sign an agreement extending the probationary term of employee #6097 for an additional one year period through September 10, 2024, as recommended by the Superintendent.
Resignation for Purposes of Retirement:
Ms. Theresa Civitano, Teacher of Mathematics, Robert E. Bell Middle School, effective June 30, 2023.
Ms. Cassandra Green, Teaching Assistant, Douglas Grafflin Elementary School, effective June 30, 2023.
Request for Childcare Leave of Absence:
Ms. Paulina Riefenhauser, Teacher of Elementary Education, Roaring Brook Elementary School, effective June 9, 2023 through June 30, 2023.
Appointment: Probationary
Mr. Donald Brenner, Teacher of Foreign Language, Robert E. Bell Middle School, to a probationary appointment in the tenure area of Foreign Language, effective August 31, 2023 through August 30, 2027, subject to receipt of composite or overall annual professional performance review ratings pursuant to Education law Section 3012-c and/or 3012-d of either effective or highly effective in at least three (3) of the four (4) proceeding years, and if the probationer receives an ineffective composite or overall rating in the final year of the probationary period they shall not be eligible for tenure at that time.
Ms. Kayla Sherry, Teacher of Elementary Education, Robert E. Bell Middle School, to a probationary appointment in the tenure area of Elementary Education, effective August 31, 2023 through August 30, 2027, subject to receipt of composite or overall annual professional performance review ratings pursuant to Education law Section 3012-c and/or 3012-d of either effective or highly effective in at least three (3) of the four (4) proceeding years, and if the probationer receives an ineffective composite or overall rating in the final year of the probationary period they shall not be eligible for tenure at that time.
4.2 Non-instructional
Paul Barilla, Maintenance Mechanic – Buildings, District-wide (Pole Barn), effective June 8, 2023.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby extends the appointment of Marian Waltzer as a Clerical Substitute at the Seven Bridges Middle School through June 23, 2023.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby approves a discretionary leave of absence, without pay, to Joseph Jednesty, Office Assistant – Automated Systems at Seven Bridges Middle School, effective June 5, 2023 through August 19, 2023.
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education hereby appoints the individual below as a substitute custodial worker to be employed on an “as needed” basis, effective June 8, 2023, at a salary of $15.00 per hour:
Nicolas M. Castro
5. Recommended Action: Other
Use of the Consent Agenda permits the Board of Education to make more effective use of its time by adopting a single motion to cover those relatively routine matters, which are included. Any member of the Board who wishes to discuss individually a particular piece of business on the Consent Agenda may so indicate and that item will be considered and voted on separately, thus preserving the right of all Board members to be heard on any issue. It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the following Consent agenda as submitted by the Superintendent of Schools.
5.1 CSE summaries (2022-23 School Year) reported to the Board on June 7, 2023.
5.2 CSE summaries (2023-24 School Year) reported to the Board on June 7, 2023.
5.3 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby appoints Josh Culwell-Block as the following for the 2022-23 school year, effective June 10, 2023: School District Deputy Treasurer authorized to take appropriate action in the investment of school district funds, Payroll Certification Officer, Records Management and Access Officer, and Co-Chief Emergency Officer.
5.4 WHEREAS the Chappaqua Central School District is participating, with other Rockland,
Orange and Westchester County School Districts, in cooperative bids for the purchase of
natural gas, sponsored by the Rockland County BOCES; and
WHEREAS the bidding procedures comply in every respect with the requirements
established by the General Municipal Law; and
WHEREAS, the natural gas markets are highly volatile and prompt action is required to
secure the benefit of the lowest possible rates; and
WHEREAS, the delay in waiting for formal action by this Board may result in the loss
of the bid prices; and
WHEREAS, the Board believes that it can establish reasonable limits on the power
of the Superintendent to act in the Board’s name and authority, subject to later
ratification by this Board;
RESOLVED that this Board hereby delegates to the Superintendent of Schools the
authority to accept bids for natural gas submitted pursuant to the cooperative
bid on the following conditions:
- The annual ceiling price bid for natural gas Basis is $6.00/mmBtu or less1;
- The annual ceiling price for natural gas commodity at the NYMEX Henry Hub is $7.00/mmBtu or less;
1 This cost is for the transmission of gas.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Superintendent is to report to this Board, in
writing, within 24 hours any action she has taken pursuant to this resolution; and it
is further
RESOLVED that this delegation of authority may be revoked at any time by action of
this Board.
5.5 WHEREAS, Weather STEM is and will continue to be, the sole source of weather station, camera, mounting hardware and associated services custom tailored to the Chappaqua Central School District’s needs. These items are proprietary products that are only available through Weather STEM located at 3019 N. Shannon Lakes Drive, Suite 203, Tallahassee, FL 32309.
WHEREAS, Weather STEM will have a direct sales and purchasing relationship and no intentions to utilize agents, or authorize resellers to provide Weather STEM products and services to Chappaqua School Central School District.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby declares Weather STEM to be the sole source for all Weather STEM branded products and services purchased in the ordinary course of product acquisition and therefore, determines that the purchase of Weather STEM products is not subject to competitive bidding under Section 103 of the General Municipal Law.
5.6 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby approves an agreement with the Ossining Union Free School District for health & welfare services for 1 student, in the amount of $1,095.37, effective September 2, 2022 through June 23, 2023, and authorizes the Superintendent to execute the agreement.
5.7 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby approves a PNW BOCES 2023-24 Contract Addendum for LocalLive TV and Event Production renewal, and authorizes the Superintendent to execute the addendum agreement.
5.8 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby approves a letter of agreement with Nawrocki Smith LLP, dated May 25, 2023, regarding Internal Audit Services for the 2023-24 school year, and authorizes the Board President to execute the agreement.
5.9 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby approves an independent contractor services agreement with Vera Allen, dated May 25, 2023, for Driver Education Lecture services during the 2023-24 school year, and authorizes the Board President to execute the agreement.
5.10 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby approves Bid Award Renewal Recommendation CCSD #B2021-03: Construction Labor and Materials – General Construction for the 2023-24 school year to Empire Core Group, LLC, at various rates.
5.11 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby approves Bid Award Renewal Recommendation CCSD #B2022-08: Clothing for Work Uniforms for the 2023-24 school year to S&H Uniform Corp., at various amounts.
5.12 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, in accordance with Board Policy 9040,
hereby authorizes the 2023-24 school year salaries of the nonaligned administrators of the School District who are not represented in collective bargaining units, as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools in a memorandum to the Board of Education dated June 1, 2023.
5.13 WHEREAS, the District owns the attached list of items which are no longer useful or necessary for school district purposes and of no value to the School District;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board hereby declares such items to be surplus property and of no value to the School District and authorizes the disposal of such equipment in a prudent manner in accordance with law.
5.14 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby approves an agreement for consultant services with Jillian McRae effective July 1, 2023 through August 30, 2023, and authorizes the Board President to execute the agreement.
5.15 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby authorizes the 2023-24 school year salaries of the confidential employees based on the recommendations from the Superintendent in a memorandum to the Board of Education dated June 7, 2023. Said memorandum is incorporated by reference in the minutes of this meeting.
6. BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education acknowledges the following contracts approved by the Superintendent, per Board Policy 6085 – Purchasing and Bidding:
6.1 An agreement with Lifetouch for yearbook photo services during the 2023-24 school year.
6.2 An agreement for consultant services with Andrew Taylor, effective June 5 through June 30, 2023.
7. Facilities
8. Financials
8.1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby acknowledges receipt of the Treasurer’s Report for April 2023.
8.2 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby acknowledges receipt of the Revenue Status Report for April 2023.
8.3 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby acknowledges receipt of the Appropriation Status Report for April 2023.
8.4 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby acknowledges receipt of the Claims Auditor’s Report for May, 2023.
9. Notice of Future Meetings
Wednesday, June 21, 2023, 7:30 pm
Horace Greeley High School – Auditorium
Thursday, July 6, 7:00 pm
Reorganization Meeting
Horace Greeley High School - Auditorium
10. Adjournment
Any person who seeks accommodation based upon disability should contact the District Clerk, Liisa Elsner at 238-7200, x-1002, at least five days prior to the meeting.
Any person who seeks accommodation based upon disability should contact the District Clerk,
Liisa Elsner at 238-7200, x-1002, at least five days prior to the meeting.
Chappaqua Board of Education
Education Center
66 Roaring Brook Road
Chappaqua, NY 10514
Web: www.chappaquaschools.org
Email: BoEducation@chappaquaschools.org