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Our Schools

Minutes December 15, 2020



Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 8:00 PM
Zoom Videoconference

Presiding Officer: Victoria Bayard Tipp
Pledge of Allegiance: Holly McCall

Present:  Board of Education
    Victoria Bayard Tipp, President
    Holly McCall, Vice President
    Hilary Grasso
    Warren Messner
    Jane Kimmel Shepardson

Staff Members:
    Christine Ackerman, Superintendent of Schools

President Tipp called for a motion to open the meeting

Motioned by Jane Kimmel Shepardson to open the meeting at 8:03 pm.  Seconded by Warren Messner.  Motion carried 5-0. 

2.       Appointment of Dr. Christine Ackerman as District Clerk Pro Tempore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby appoints Dr. Christine Ackerman as District Clerk pro-tempore for this Board meeting.

Motioned by Hilary Grasso to appoint Dr. Christine Ackerman as District Clerk pro-tempore.  Seconded by Holly McCall.  Motion carried 5-0.

3.       Proposed Executive Session, subject to Board approval, to discuss contract negotiations.

Motioned by Victoria Bayard Tipp to adjourn into Executive Session to discuss contract negotiations.  Seconded by Hilary Grasso.  Motion carried 5-0.

4.      Reconvene Special Public Meeting at which no action will be taken.

Motioned by Warren Messner to reconvene the meeting at 9:14 pm.  Seconded by Jane Kimmel Shepardson.  Motion carried 5-0.

5.      Notice of Future Meetings

Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 6:00 pm
Horace Greeley High School - Auditorium
Special Board Meeting

Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Horace Greeley High School Auditorium
6:00 pm Joint Board of Education – Town of New Castle Board Work Session
7:30 pm – Board of Education Meeting – Budget Preview &
CCSD Independent Consultant Review/Presentation regarding DGEIS

6.      Adjournment 

Motioned by Warren Messner to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 pm.  Seconded by Hilary Grasso.  Motion carried 5-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Liisa Elsner
District Clerk / Secretary to the Superintendent