Agenda September 1, 2020
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Horace Greeley High School - Auditorium
Per Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order,
in-person attendance at this meeting may not exceed 50 people.
Presiding Officer: Victoria Bayard Tipp
Pledge of Allegiance - Holly McCall
Call the Meeting to Order at 10:00 am
Proposed Executive Session to discuss matters of health and safety, subject to Board approval.
Reconvene public session at 10:30 a.m. at Horace Greeley High School – Auditorium
1. Information Business Affairs
1.1 President’s Report
1.2 Superintendent’s Report
Presentation: DRAFT - Student Code of Conduct - DRAFT
2. Committee Reports
Public Comment Period:
We welcome public comments, and in respect for each other's time, we ask that you limit your comments to three minutes. Board members may be contacted via email or phone. After the public comment period has been completed, Board members may have a discussion among themselves regarding comments presented.
3. Approvals & Ratifications
3.1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the minutes of the August 5, 2020 Board Meeting.
3.2 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the minutes of the August 13, 2020 Special Board Meeting.
3.3 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the minutes of the August 20, 2020 Special Board Meeting.
3.4 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby adopts the revised 2020-21 Student Code of Conduct (Policy and Regulation #5030).
3.5 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby adopts the 2020-21 District Safety Plan.
4. Recommended Action: Personnel
4.1 Instructional
BE IT RESOLVED that, the Board of Education hereby authorizes the attached Agreements for Services for the individuals and agencies listed below effective for the 2020/2021 school year, or earlier at the discretion of the Board of Education:
Dr. David Costabile
BE IT RESOLVED that, the Board of Education hereby appoints the individuals listed as per diem substitutes at the Building Specific substitute teacher rate:
Alexandra Fischer – Douglas Grafflin Elementary School (effective September 1, 2020)
Ericka Miranda – Douglas Grafflin Elementary School (effective September 1, 2020)
Julia Bretts – Douglas Grafflin Elementary School (effective September 1, 2020)
Laurie Werner – Douglas Grafflin Elementary School (effective September 1, 2020)
Patricia Gray – Douglas Grafflin Elementary School (effective September 1, 2020)
BE IT RESOLVED that, the Board of Education hereby appoints the individuals listed as paid interns at the daily rate of $85.00 for the 2020/2021 school year through the PNW BOCES Internship Program:
Jaclyn Dellisanti
Shea Cody
Dawn Keating
Kathleen Hammond
Rachel Gordon
BE IT RESOLVED that, the Board of Education hereby appoints the individuals listed as AP proctors to be employed on an “as needed” basis effective for the 2020/2021 school year, or earlier at the discretion of the Board of Education:
Nicole Aurand | Susan Fitzgerald | Sara Lewis | Joan Salamone |
Lynne Brennan | Miriam Fernandes | Mirjam Lord | Naveena SalyGeorge |
Charles Buchanan | Tracy Franks | Ann Marie Masciana | Alyx Scapperotti |
Karen Carey | Rena Gavigan | Joann Mastrocola | Barbara Schiene |
Yanxia Chen | Barbara Gramando | Lori Mastroddi | Monique Scollan |
Mallory Chinn | Karen Greco | Laura Moreno | Gretta Seidel |
Dawn Dellner | Marissa Greenfeld | Kathleen O’Donnell | Sylvia Siciliano |
Abigail Doheny | Vicki Jeffrey | Susan O’Reilly | Jerry Sulli |
Connie Drew | Deborah Kanuk | Galina Pavel | Patricia Sullivan |
Mary Farrell | Colleen Kelly | Susana Perez | Helen Teevan |
Eileen Farrington | Nancy Larkin | Linda Ryan | Ann Marie Tetelman |
Lisa Tighe | Maria Travaglini | Jennifer Troup | Brian Vermette |
Laurie Warshofsky | Diane Wendel | Stephanie Seveland |
BE IT RESOLVED that, the Board of Education hereby appoints the individual listed as Director of Professional Learning, Inquiry and Innovation effective for the 2020/2021 school year:
Ellen Moskowitz
BE IT RESOLVED that, the Board of Education hereby appoints the individual listed as Social Emotional Learning Webmaster effective for the 2020/2021 school year:
Justin Olive
BE IT RESOLVED that, the Board of Education hereby appoints the individual listed as K-12 Science Coordinator effective for the 2020/2021 school year:
Justin Olive
BE IT RESOLVED that, the Board of Education herby appoints the individual listed as K-12 Social Studies Coordinator effective for the 2020/2021 school year:
Mary Devane
Ms. Alissa Grieco, Teaching Assistant, Robert E. Bell Middle School, effective August 13, 2020.
Ms. Stephanie Seveland, Teaching Assistant, Roaring Brook Elementary School, effective August 24, 2020.
Ms. Keri Zurlini, Teacher of Elementary, Westorchard Elementary School, effective August 24, 2020.
Resignation for Purposes of Retirement:
Ms. Elizabeth Sovern, Teacher of Home Economics, Robert E. Bell Middle School, effective August 31, 2020.
Mr. Robert Zambernardi, Teacher of Social Studies, Horace Greeley High School, effective August 21, 2020.
Mr. Peter Metzler, Teacher of Art, Horace Greeley High School, effective August 23, 2020.
Ms. Gail Schlenger, Teacher of Special Education, Horace Greeley High School, effective September 1, 2020.
Request for Childcare Leave of Absence:
Ms. Elizabeth Morhardt, Teacher of Elementary, Westorchard Elementary School, effective September 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.
Ms. Alyssa Maccarrone, Teaching Assistant, Seven Bridges Middle School, effective September 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.
Request for Childcare Leave of Absence Extension:
Ms. Tiffany DePeralta, Teacher of English, Horace Greeley High School, effective September 1, 2020 through January 22, 2021.
Appointment: Probationary
Ms. Katie Frattarola, Teacher of Special Education, Robert E. Bell Middle School, to a probationary appointment in the tenure area of Special Education Teacher effective September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2023, subject to receipt of composite or overall annual professional performance review ratings pursuant to Education law Section 3012-c and/or 3012-d of either effective or highly effective in at least three (3) of the four (4) proceeding years, and if the probationer receives an ineffective composite or overall rating in the final year of the probationary period she shall not be eligible for tenure at that time.
Ms. Randi McDonnell, Teacher of Science, Horace Greeley High School, to a probationary appointment in the tenure area of Special Education Teacher effective September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2024, subject to receipt of composite or overall annual professional performance review ratings pursuant to Education law Section 3012-c and/or 3012-d of either effective or highly effective in at least three (3) of the four (4) proceeding years, and if the probationer receives an ineffective composite or overall rating in the final year of the probationary period she shall not be eligible for tenure at that time.
Ms. Lisa Papernik, Teacher of Science, Horace Greeley High School, to a probationary appointment in the tenure area of Special Education Teacher effective September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2024, subject to receipt of composite or overall annual professional performance review ratings pursuant to Education law Section 3012-c and/or 3012-d of either effective or highly effective in at least three (3) of the four (4) proceeding years, and if the probationer receives an ineffective composite or overall rating in the final year of the probationary period she shall not be eligible for tenure at that time.
Mr. Brett Steinberg, Teacher of Social Studies, Horace Greeley High School, to a probationary appointment in the tenure area of Special Education Teacher effective September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2024, subject to receipt of composite or overall annual professional performance review ratings pursuant to Education law Section 3012-c and/or 3012-d of either effective or highly effective in at least three (3) of the four (4) proceeding years, and if the probationer receives an ineffective composite or overall rating in the final year of the probationary period he shall not be eligible for tenure at that time.
Ms. Kathryn Naaman, Teacher of Elementary, Westorchard Elementary School, to a probationary appointment in the tenure area of Special Education Teacher effective September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2024, subject to receipt of composite or overall annual professional performance review ratings pursuant to Education law Section 3012-c and/or 3012-d of either effective or highly effective in at least three (3) of the four (4) proceeding years, and if the probationer receives an ineffective composite or overall rating in the final year of the probationary period she shall not be eligible for tenure at that time.
Appointment: Leave Replacement
Mr. Kyle Rastegar, Leave Replacement Teacher of Special Education, Robert E. Bell Middle School, effective September 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 (or earlier at the discretion of the Board of Education).
Mr. Joseph Callagy, Leave Replacement Teacher of Special Education, Horace Greeley High School, effective September 1, 2020 through January 22, 2021 (or earlier at the discretion of the Board of Education).
Appointment: Part Time
Mr. Frank Falcone, (.6) Teacher of Foreign Language, Horace Greeley High School, effective September 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 (or earlier at the discretion of the Board of Education).
Ms. Jessica Somma, (.6) Teacher of Social Studies, Horace Greeley High School, effective September 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 (or earlier at the discretion of the Board of Education).
Appointment: Teaching Assistant
Ms. Laura Moreno, Teaching Assistant, Roaring Brook Middle School, effective September 1, 2020.
4.2 Non-Instructional
Lauren Rubeo, Teacher Aide (Session) at Roaring Brook Elementary School, 25 hours per week, effective September 1, 2020, at $17 per hour.
Laura Moreno, Teacher Aide at Roaring Brook Elementary School, effective August 31, 2020.
Susana Perez, Health Aide at Westorchard Elementary School, effective August 24, 2020
Resignation for the purpose of retirement:
Lillian Markowitz, Teacher Aide at Douglas G. Grafflin Elementary School, effective
August 31, 2020.
Roy Woodruff, Custodial Worker at Horace Greeley High School, effective September 9, 2020.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby amends the appointment of Lisa Liberatore, Teacher Aide at Roaring Brook Elementary School, from 25 hours/week to 31.25 hours/week, effective September 1, 2020.
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education hereby amends the appointment of Nicole Aurand, Teacher Aide at Roaring Brook Elementary School, from 27.5 hours/week to 32.5 hours/week, effective September 1, 2020.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby increases the hours of the following teacher aides, on an as needed basis for the 2020-21 school year, while the school is providing in-person instruction. This resolution will expire after the COVID-9 Pandemic is abated and in-person building classes resume in a regular manner.
Name | School | 2019-20 Hours | 2020-21 Hours |
Maria Griffin | Douglas Grafflin | 27.5 | 32 |
Cheryl Katz | Douglas Grafflin | 27.5 | 32 |
Debbie Love | Douglas Grafflin | 31.25 | 32 |
MaryAnn Ragonesi | Douglas Grafflin | 31.25 | 32 |
Pam Woodward | Douglas Grafflin | 27.5 | 32 |
Jennifer Greco | Roaring Brook | 31.25 | 32 |
Lisa Liberatore | Roaring Brook | 31.25 | 32 |
Fran Migliaccio | Roaring Brook | 30 | 32 |
Lauren Rubeo | Roaring Brook | 25 | 32 |
Maria Shabani | Roaring Brook | 31.25 | 32 |
Cristiana Sternkopf | Roaring Brook | 31.25 | 32 |
Valerie Vesce | Roaring Brook | 31.25 | 32 |
Karen Bucko | Westorchard | 30 | 32 |
Julie Hare | Westorchard | 31.25 | 32 |
Renata Karaqi | Westorchard | 22.5 | 32 |
Sharyn Langholtz | Westorchard | 30 | 32 |
Amy Love | Westorchard | 31.25 | 32 |
Virginia Mancini | Westorchard | 28.75 | 32 |
Joann Mastrocola | Westorchard | 31.25 | 32 |
Jennifer Monaco | Westorchard | 28.75 | 32 |
Theresa Scuccimarri | Robert E. Bell | 18.75 | 32 |
Maria Ruggiero | Horace Greeley | 22.5 | 32 |
Juan Tunas | Horace Greeley | 22.5 | 32 |
5. Recommended Action: Other
Use of the Consent Agenda permits the Board of Education to make more effective use of its time by adopting a single motion to cover those relatively routine matters, which are included. Any member of the Board who wishes to discuss individually a particular piece of business on the Consent Agenda may so indicate and that item will be considered and voted on separately, thus preserving the right of all Board members to be heard on any issue. It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the following Consent agenda as submitted by the Superintendent of Schools.
5.1 CSE Summaries (2020-21 School Year) reported to the Board on September 1, 2020.
5.2 WHEREAS, due to the threat to public health caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the District is required to comply with Executive Orders promulgated by the Governor and directives issued by the New York State Department of Health ("DOH") and the New York State Education Department ("SED"), which may be inconsistent with district policies and administrative regulations; and
WHEREAS, during this period of time, to the extent that any District policy or administrative regulation is inconsistent with Executive Orders or directives of the DOH or SED, the district will be operating in accordance with those Orders and directives, as well as the district's School Re-Opening Plan 2020-2021 ("Re-Opening Plan") adopted pursuant to such Executive Orders and directives;
BE IT RESOLVED, that where any provisions of district policies and/or administrative regulations conflict with Executive Orders, DOH or SED directives, or the Re-Opening Plan, they are temporarily suspended to the extent necessary to comply with such Executive Orders, DOH or SED directives, and/or the Re-Opening Plan.
5.3 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Chappaqua Central School District hereby adopts the Retention and Disposition Schedule for New York Local Government Records (Schedule LGS-01), issued pursuant to Article 57-A of the Arts and Cultural Affairs Law, containing legal minimum retention periods for local government records for use by all officers in legally disposing of valueless records listed therein; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with Article 57-A: a) only those records described in Schedule LGS-01 will be disposed of after they have met the minimum retention periods described therein; and b) only those records will be disposed of that do not have sufficient administrative, fiscal, legal, or historical value to merit retention beyond established legal minimum periods.
5.4 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts a donation of books from the Chappaqua Children’s Book Festival in the amount of $1,041.00. The purpose of this gift is to provide the school libraries and the students with reading material for their intellectual nourishment and personal growth and to help bring about core change in our children’s intellectual development(s) on the issues of race and equity.
5.5 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves an agreement with Fantasy Flash Video for the creation and editing of 2020 school opening videos for each school, in the amount of $5,800.00, and authorizes the Board President to execute the agreement.
5.6 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves an Agreement with Westchester Community Opportunity Program, Inc. (WESTCOP) to renew the current contract for 2020-21 for the Head Start Program at Douglas Grafflin Elementary School with a 2.44% increase (the CPI for 2018-19) for a total of $53,692.00, and authorizes the Board President to execute this Agreement.
5.7 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the Proposed Lunch Budget for 2020-21 budget with supporting documentation attached.
5.8 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves an Agreement for Consultant Services with Acture Solutions, Inc., for hardware and software technology support, network administration and database management, effective October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021, in the amount of $86,320.04 per month, and authorizes the Board President to execute this Agreement.
5.9 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves a contract with Teacher’s College Reading and Writing Project for professional development services during the 2020-21 school year, in the amount of $4,000.00, and authorizes the Board President to execute the contract.
6. Facilities
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education acknowledges Change Orders approved by the Superintendent per Board Resolution adopted at June 14, 2017 Board of Education meeting
6.1 Change order #GC-09-DG– Douglas Grafflin approved by the Superintendent:
Project: Elementary School Security
Contractor: Casabella Contracting of NY, Inc.
Description: Credit for all labor, equipment and materials related to deleting an interior security door from the scope.
Amount: $1,195.00
7. Financials
7.1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education acknowledges receipt of the Appropriation Status Report for July 2020.
7.2 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education acknowledges receipt of the Revenue Status Report for July 2020.
7.3 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education acknowledges receipt of the Claims Auditor Report for July 2020.
7.4 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education acknowledges receipt of the Treasurer’s Report for June 2020.
7.5 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education acknowledges receipt of the Extraclassroom Activities Report for June 2020.
7.6 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education acknowledges receipt of the Treasurer’s Report for July 2020.
8. Notice of Future Meetings
Wednesday, September 16, 2020 7:30 pm
Horace Greeley High School – Auditorium
Wednesday, September 30, 2020 7:30 pm
Horace Greeley High School – Auditorium
9. Adjournment
Any person who seeks accommodation based upon disability should contact the District Clerk,
Liisa Elsner at 238-7200, x-1002, at least five days prior to the meeting.
Chappaqua Board of Education
Education Center
66 Roaring Brook Road
Chappaqua, NY 10514